0 - 7 Imprint years
Did you know that everything we learn as a child like our beliefs our rules, happens within the ages of 0 - 7 years old. During this period of our lives we act like little sponges, absorbing everything around us and missing nothing.
This means that childhood experiences between these ages are likely to have an impact on who that child becomes, how they feel, behave, and represent to the world . What we make things mean - this is massive as it determines how we feel about moments in time.
For example - my mother gave my sister a dollar to go to the shops with, as we were walking to the milkbar my mind was going crazy with, my sister gets everything, mum loves her more than me, my sister is better than me and so on, thats what i made it mean.
But ..what really happened? My mum gave my sister the dollar because I didnt have a pocket... hmmm, can you see how easily I was changed in that one small moment in time. It really made me think when i had my own kids. It reminded me to ask them, what did you make that mean when mummy sent you to time out?
Just this question alone stops the internal dialogue from scarring the child for ever.
Being an adult and feeling how we feel comes as a direct reflection of what we took in as a child.
Crazy when you think about it.
How else does that effect us.? Have you ever looked at a person and saw the child in them before you see the adult?
Youll see it all the time now lol. You normally see where the biggest trauma they experienced has them stuck as the child in an adults body.
Have a look around, youll start to see them for real. I do find this gives you a sense of compassion for the child you see.
I have also noticed that the role you needed to play to be loved, is still the role you continue to play even though it is not getting the job done.
Who did you need to be for your mother to love you?
You did you need for your father to love you?
Thats the one blueprint your still trying to live up to now..
